I am happy to announce my house is ORGANIZED for the most part. This has never taken place in Casa Hernandez before. I have organized storage containers with files for school stuff, escrow papers, receipts, manuals etc. I shifted three closets around which consisted of the linen closet, medicines & cleaning stuff and a whole closet for crafts, projects, pictures etc. The hubster completed a thorough organized garage. We went bin crazy for the play room and limited toys that are allowed out. I love when people come over but hate finding toys in the wrong places, drives me nuts! Boys' room is well organized and has been kept up for two weeks and going strong! Of course we shut the door, otherwise our twinados would have destroyed it in less than five minutes. School desk is organized with crayons, markers and coloring pencils all separate. Last thing that was tackled this week was our kitchen. I put all my vases together, plastic storage containers together, glassware together. My counter looks so clean and amazing, I still have to clean the grout but it looks wonderful never the less. Kids cups organized along with lids and valves. My pantry is organized and is wonderful! I usually keep it somewhat organized but since the twinados like to go in there I gave up. We still have to do our closet but everything looks amazing. I didn't just organized waiting for it to be destroyed, I made it easy to manage organization such as a snack box or potato bin or a toilet paper basket. Easy and manageable stuff. Makeup bin, Hair bin, and the list goes on. I also finally bought myself a organizer/planner which will help me feel more intact since I overbook myself numerous of times. We have so much trash we have to probably take a load to the dump! Our closet is the last to tackle but I am ready for it! Organization, This is a Joy!!!!

Seeing my kids having fun, this is a Joy!!!!

I know this may be crazy for some of you but Pinterest is truly a joy. I hope to do a Pinterest post soon of all the goods I made and everything I have tried. Such as getting sand off my children, you use baby powder or baby oil to shine up your faucets or amazing recipes...Anyways I can go on and on so I will just say Pinterest, this is a Joy!

Reset your approach to challenges:
Life is full of challenges and but also full of giggles and joy. I am enjoying raising my kids and spending time with them but I also struggle with my temperament and patience. There are some parents that I have looked up to in the years. I know their lives aren't perfect but I can tell they truly let God lead them in this journey of parenting. My Uncle R and Auntie N have always been parents I looked up to. I also look up to The Duggars and a few more. People may think the Duggars? Yes, I can see they are serving God and look to him for directions and instructions when parenting. They have sweet spirits that remind me of my Aunt and Uncle. I can't imagine how much patience they have but their children are the examples that show they did a great job.
I was just watching a recent episode of 19 Kids and Counting and Michelle mentions how Jim Bob tried not to damage relationships with the kids after he just found a huge mess on the RV. His patience was definitely tried. I would have been raged! That is something I am praying for and asking you to pray for me too. I need to relax, breathe and be patient. I found to many times that my voice is yelling and frightening my oldest. I want to learn to manage parenting in a loving, patient way. Yes, I believe in discipline but I don't think my yelling helps anyone emotionally. Call me a softy or whatever but I don't think God wants me to hurt my children but teach them instruction.
I want Gods love to shine in me and if people think I am weird for that so be it. I am human and have made many mistakes in not showing love to adults and children too
So I would like to reset my Patience & Love button.
I also am challenged about taking care of myself. I tend to forget to eat or eat well. Spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Spiritually: I need to seek God more, teach my kids to seek him more and ask God to
"Fill my cup"
Emotionally: I could use more sleep, more time for me instead of feeling weak and tired all the time. Definitely would help me be a more patient mom!
Physically: I need to eat proper snacks, meals and exercise again! I have a slow metabolism and doing nothing helps Nothing!
So I am going to reset my eating habits:
Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically!
Please pray for me and my family, and how can I pray for you? If you would like me to pray for you please let me know! You and I can help each other in this journey of life!
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