Well to start off, I didn't get to blog yesterday since I was extra busy with my boys. I cleaned our house, I did a painting project, we went swimming, watched the Classic The fox and the hound and loved how much my boys enjoyed it. My boys also painted as you can see. We also enjoyed Monsters University Jello Jigglers and I even organized my oldest son's school stuff since we are homeschooling this year again!

Okay, okay enough about yesterday. Today I woke up to do a workout with my PM group. My legs should feel like the Jello in the picture but it was more like boulders coming down in destruction. I know all big people carry their weight different but I have huge legs, big tummy and bigger bubble butt. I am not putting myself down it's just a fact. I actual am jealous when I see another big person with normal legs or butt. If my stomach was all I had to work on man I be happy to do that! But I still push through even as the boulders crumble below me. I literally had breakfast in bed because I could not move my legs. Another amazing workout from a motivator and mentor of my Lupe. At the end with a smile on her face she said "See you tonight at Zumba!" In my mind I was thinking "WHAT!!" Is it going to be chair Zumba tonight because my legs won't make it! But she knows how to push me and knows if I can be there I will be, legs or no legs I will be there!
My breakfast in bed |
I can tell you a millions of stories right now funny, sad, happy, tearful of my kids. They are my life, my joy, my heart. But I can say all these things and not really give them what they need. They need their mom.......a healthy mom.........physically, mentally and spiritually. My goal is to give them the best of me! So I am going to share with you the physical part today. On my recent sand slug run I thought we took the most unflattering picture of me in the group photo. I decided to push my shoulder back in the pictures don't know why but it made my stomach pop out and grossed me out. I don't share with you this so you feel sorry for me but it's reality.
I am on the far left with the stomach :) |
I won't lie, I did get discourage and thought "Man I am putting in work why does my picture have to look gross?" I had to remember this didn't happen over night and if the scale says I am losing I am happy, if my inches are coming off I am happy. I am doing things others can't do like sand slug runs, or today we did crazy squat with the attack of the lunges! I am blessed to be able to move! My legs may feel like weeble wobbles but at least I have legs to move. I am breathing, I am alive and I am blessed. It may not be my favorite picture but lesson learned, always suck it in! Just kidding! But really like my mentor always says look from where you came from so I decided after today's workout to take pictures of myself. They didn't come out great because it was hard standing after today's workout, hehehe! I am not putting pictures out there because it's fun or it's huge difference I am putting them out there to let you know I am human and I am making that change for me and my family. I am far from perfect but I am willing to show you my imperfections, my struggles, my joy, my defeats and my success.
I know this weight is not coming off overnight but inch by inch....lb by lb...........small goals, BIG LIFE!
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