Well I haven't blogged since the passing of my grandmother because it really impacted me. After she passed I was on a mission to make her proud of me and get healthy. I wanted to live as long as she had so I have been fighting for my life!!! My life has consisted of my family, party of 5: Hubby, myself , Benjamin(7), Caleb and Levi (3). It has also consisted of exercise and trying to help others doing the same plus all the extras this mom does. I def. been trying to embrace life to the fullest although many boulders can stand in our way. I am not going to blog too long but WILL try to blog everyday. I want to share my adventures of exercise, food, children, life, God, failures and blessings with you all. My hope is that this blog will continue to bless you and for you to acknowledge you are not alone, no matter what color, size, religion, etc you are........YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Being a women, mother, a wife or anyone one of those things for that matter is hard work! Today I share with you old pictures of me from over a year ago and the new me pictures that is still a work in progress. Learning to put yourself first is the hardest step but it must be done. I want to live and be around for my family! Okay okay I won't go on today but believe me when I say I AM BACK!!
Down 55 lbs |
Looking good Mama!!! Keep up the good work.